照片一↑09/01/2009下午四點半左右(一片黑烏烏) 照片二↑the main entrance of my accommodation 照片三↑傍晚七點多吧!在這個有點怪里怪氣的城市, 早上九點以後才天亮;下午三點月亮就開始上工。 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Everyone is curious what the Scottish weather look like. I am trying to let you know... Please close your eyes. You could image that you are in the city which is similar with the windy Shi Chun, the coldest Taipei in the winter, the soft typhoon, and the heavy or light rain. Ok, now you could know what kind of the weather here... >" Someone still wants to come here. ??? XXX 註:這篇是去年10月寫的,偶也不知道,感覺有點像在「清理」文章。orz....